Introducing our newly automated Reuse Impact Reports

5 April 2024By ellie Reuseabox

Introducing our newly automated Reuse Impact Reports

We’re thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to our services – the automation of our Reuse Impact Reports.

At Reuseabox, we deeply value your commitment to sustainability. Whether you’re a supplier contributing to our reuse efforts or a customer choosing eco-friendly packaging solutions.

That’s why, thanks to our newly automated Reuse Impact Reports, we’ve made it even easier for you to find out exactly how much you’ve helped the planet by choosing to keep cardboard boxes in use for longer.

What’s included in the reports?

With our newly automated reports, you’ll receive detailed insights following every collection or order. These reports outline the environmental benefits you’ve achieved. This includes the number of cardboard units diverted for reuse, total weight saved, and specific measures including tree, carbon, energy, and water savings. We’ve also included equivalencies providing a tangible representation of your contributions.

Reuse Impact Reports from ReuseaboxFinally, we include the number of trees you have helped to plant by joining the Reuseabox community. Reuseabox is a proud member of 1% for the Planet, a global network of businesses, individuals and environmental organisations committed to tackling our most urgent environmental issues. Therefore, as a member, we donate 1% of our revenue directly to one of their trusted partners.

How do we calculate and verify your impact data?

Your impact data is calculated using the Reuseabox Environmental Calculator Tool. The tool measures the environmental savings achieved by reusing cardboard instead of disposing of it through traditional waste disposal routes such as recycling.

The calculations in the tool follow a ‘life-cycle’ principle. This includes the impact of materials, transport, storage (at Reuseabox’s facility) and final disposal (recycling). The tool has been developed in line with standards such as the GHG Protocol and PAS2050.

The environmental impact data in the tool comes from independent, third-party, peer-reviewed commercial databases and the information relating to the number of trees was developed in collaboration with the University of Lincoln in 2019.

The third-party environmental impact data is updated every 12 months. Therefore the results generated by the tool may change over time to reflect these updates.

Approved by Sustainability Experts

At Reuseabox we are passionate about ensuring transparency and accountability through everything we do. Because of this, in January 2024 we put the Reuseabox Environmental Calculator Tool to the test and had it reviewed by a third party. Here’s what they had to say:

“[Giraffe Innovation] can confirm it is a comprehensive, robust and credible method for assessing the reuse of packaging. This methodological approach and output of the tool provide Reuseabox customers confidence in the environmental claims of the service reinforcing a transition to a more sustainable future.” – Professor Robert Holdway FRSA FIEMA – Managing Director at Giraffe Innovation

Have any questions?

We’re always looking for ways we can improve our services. That’s why if you have any ideas about how we can make our Reuse Impact Reports even better or you would like to find out more about receiving these reports going forward, we love to hear from you. Please get in touch today by emailing


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