
Sapling cartoon

We’re on a mission to help you reuse cardboard boxes before they’re recycled, simply because it’s better for the planet.

Together, we can shape a better future for people and planet as we strive to promote collaboration and packaging circularity.

Sapling cartoon

We’re on a mission to help you reuse cardboard boxes before they’re recycled, simply because it’s better for the planet.

Together, we can shape a better future for people and planet as we strive to promote collaboration and packaging circularity.

The Problem with cardboard

Our Reuse Model challenges the status quo of how cardboard is produced, handled and disposed of. Unfortunately, most cardboard boxes are used only once before being sent for recycling. Cardboard can’t be recycled infinitely and the process itself is environmentally harmful. 

The most dangerous phrase in the language is ‘we’ve always done it this way'

– Admiral Grace Hopper


The Problem with cardboard

Our Reuse Model challenges the status quo of how cardboard is produced, handled and disposed of. Unfortunately, most cardboard boxes are used only once before being sent for recycling. Cardboard can’t be recycled infinitely and the process itself is environmentally harmful. 


The most dangerous phrase in the language is ‘we’ve always done it this way'

 – Admiral Grace Hopper

Reuseabox team hard at work

The Solution - Reuse!

At Reuseabox we’re determined to prove that cardboard is not single use packaging.

We rescue cardboard boxes destined for the waste stream and put them back into the supply chain for a second use. Following Circular Economy principles, we help companies reduce waste, keep cardboard in use for longer and regenerate the natural environment.

Check out our 2022-2023 Impact Report using the link below to find out more about what we’ve achieved and our goals for 2024!

The Solution - Reuse!

Reuseabox team hard at work

At Reuseabox we’re determined to prove that cardboard is not single use packaging.

We rescue cardboard boxes destined for the waste stream and put them back into the supply chain for a second use. Following Circular Economy principles, we help companies reduce waste, keep cardboard in use for longer and regenerate the natural environment.

Check out our 2022-2023 Impact Report using the link below to find out more about what we’ve achieved and our goals for 2024!

Reuse vs Recycling

We wanted to find out how much better it is to reuse rather than recycle a cardboard box.

With the support of the Greater Lincolnshire Productivity Programme, we worked with independent environmental consultants and Dr Lan Qie from the University of Lincoln. The team studied the environmental impact of reuse over recycling and came back with some impressive statistics!

Cardboard reuse reduces environmental impact

Every tonne of cardboard reused instead of recycled SAVES...






tonnes of carbon



KWH of energy


litres of water






tonnes of carbon



KWH of energy


litres of water

The Reuseabox Environmental Calculator Tool

The team were able to create the first ever environmental calculator tool that compares cardboard reuse to recycling.

We provide environmental reports to help you quantify your environmental savings from cardboard reuse.

Laptop showing environmental stats

business declares

Reuseabox is proud to be joining Business Declares and the fast-growing network of businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Our aim is to be net zero by 2030 by reducing our emissions and impact on biodiversity. Concern for both people and the planet are not new to us and we look forward to continuing to share our journey and ensuring our voice is part of the collective, resounding call for change. We are certainly not claiming to be perfect, neither are we judging others, instead we are part of a coalition of the willing, looking to collaborate and accelerate action while continuing to highlight the challenges and uncomfortable truths.

business declares logo

business declares

Reuseabox is proud to be joining Business Declares and the fast-growing network of businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Our aim is to be net zero by 2030 by reducing our emissions and impact on biodiversity. Concern for both people and the planet are not new to us and we look forward to continuing to share our journey and ensuring our voice is part of the collective, resounding call for change. We are certainly not claiming to be perfect, neither are we judging others, instead we are part of a coalition of the willing, looking to collaborate and accelerate action while continuing to highlight the challenges and uncomfortable truths.

business declares logo


As a business we believe we have a responsibility to give back to the planet in return for the resources we use. This is why we donate to reforestation projects across the globe. We’ve also joined the Million Tree Pledge and promised to plant 1 million trees by 2030.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. They act as the world’s to-do list to achieve a better and more sustainable future by 2030.

These are the main SDGs that Reuseabox contributes to:

8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

We stand for fair, safe and healthy working conditions for everyone working for Reuseabox both directly and indirectly across our supply chain.

12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

Reducing waste to protect and preserve the environment is at the heart of our business model.

13 – Climate Action

We help companies reduce their scope 3 emissions by diverting their used cardboard boxes to reuse. This reduces the demand for new packaging and preserves natural resources. We also plant new trees to help reforest the Earth and prevent biodiversity loss.

15 – Life on Land

Our Reuse Model helps reduce deforestation by reducing the global demand for cardboard boxes. Our commitment to planting trees helps to reduce land desertification and halt biodiversity loss.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. They act as the world’s to-do list to achieve a better and more sustainable future by 2030.

These are the main SDGs that Reuseabox contributes to:

8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

We stand for fair, safe and healthy working conditions for everyone working for Reuseabox both directly and indirectly across our supply chain.

12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

Reducing waste to protect and preserve the environment is at the heart of our business model.

13 – Climate Action

We help companies reduce their scope 3 emissions by diverting their used cardboard boxes to reuse. This reduces the demand for new packaging and preserves natural resources. We also plant new trees to help reforest the Earth and prevent biodiversity loss.

15 – Life on Land

Our Reuse Model helps reduce deforestation by reducing the global demand for cardboard boxes. Our commitment to planting trees helps to reduce land desertification and halt biodiversity loss.

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